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In addition to our online art and framing resource, shopthegreatframeupart.com, you can also visit our online store to shop for some of the great art and framing related gifts that…
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In addition to our online art and framing resource, shopthegreatframeupart.com, you can also visit our online store to shop for some of the great art and framing related gifts that…
Most artwork our customers bring us will hang on a wall without much in the way of size restrictions. Sometimes though we’re asked to frame photos or other art to…
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” William Morris Surround yourself with art you love! The most important aspect…
The Minions are at it again! Well, Pantone is at it again too…! Our favorite little jabbering, genetically-altered clones now have their very own Pantone color: Minion Yellow. Released in…