Hot Trends in Home Decor
There are some really fun (and not exhausting) home decorating trends to watch this fall. While the word “trend” seems constrictive or obligatory sometimes, in this case, it truly is…
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There are some really fun (and not exhausting) home decorating trends to watch this fall. While the word “trend” seems constrictive or obligatory sometimes, in this case, it truly is…
It’s no secret that the hottest fashion trend this fall is plaid. It’s never completely gone from the fashion scene, but this year, plaid is back in a big way.…
Ever wondered about how the rest of the world decorates their homes? In Russia, it’s about integrating new trends and design with tradition and antiques. Germans love brass, gold and…
In addition to our online art and framing resource, shopthegreatframeupart.com, you can also visit our online store to shop for some of the great art and framing related gifts that…
We learned a long time ago that it’s important to do things the right way. From using the right materials to having the knowledge to do the job the right…
Most artwork our customers bring us will hang on a wall without much in the way of size restrictions. Sometimes though we’re asked to frame photos or other art to…
Does someone in your life enjoy sports? Surprise him by framing his favorite sports jersey…. a unique piece of memorabilia that captures his memories. A sports jersey is a piece…
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” William Morris Surround yourself with art you love! The most important aspect…
Did you know that The Great Frame Up is a locally owned and operated small business? That’s right! While we are a part of a franchise system, our store is…
Ever wonder where to start when you need something framed? We found a great article from Real Simple that can help you get started with the process. Their suggestions include:…